Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri


                       Hurmm..lama x hapdet blog..sekali tgk, ada gak member2 blog yg nak bg kad raya kat sang cipan ni ehh..hehe ..  terkesima sekejap sebab terasa diri ini dihargai..chewahhhh tapi rasa macam x aci plak suma blogger macam ada kad raya cyber sendiri..so ngan segala hormatnya, terhasilnya kad raya versi cipanus jugak..ngeh ngeh ngeh..

                                            Hahhahaha..i know i know my card raya is simple as hell..macam tadika punya taraf kan?? but, well better got than dont aite? hak3 ..Apapun di cni saya mau mengucapkan selamat hari raya wat semua org2 yang saya kenali d mana2 mereka berada..nak list kan macam mr suki kita, kang x pasal2 berjela2 plak..kuikuikui.. maklumla suma binatang d dunia ni kawan saya..cipan la katakan..huahuahua.. so sesapa yang terasa diri tu kawan saya, ble la amik kad raya ni ya..jan malu2 jan segan2 ..i've got limited connection internet now..so, to inform all bloggers bout my simple kad raya is kinda impossible..hehe.. <--excuses

                                           Okeh..Selamat liburan dehh kawan2..SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN eirkk batin penah ka? hurmm...ada sesetengah org kot..kan mr suki kann? And doomo arigatou pada mr suki n cik ila sebab bg kad raya korang kat saya..bangga sungguhh..hins hins hins <--bunyi idung kembang..


Friday, September 19, 2008

انّا للہ و انّا الیہ راجعون

"Verily we belong to Allah, and to Allah we return."

           Hurm..sedih plak..aku baru dapat tau yang ada sorg member aku telah kembali ke rahmatullah pagi ni..sebelum ni mmg dapat berita yang dia koma..koma pasal terjatuh dr 4 wheel pick-up dimana masa tu dia duduk di belakang..dia terjatuh, terhantuk dan koma seminggu..akhirnya harini di hari jumaat dan bulan posa yang mulia ni, beliau telah meninggalkan dunia ini untuk selama-lamanya..kali terakhir jumpa masa raya tahun lalu..hurmm..sebak plak pasal i can consider him as my geng jugak..Fir, semoga roh mu cucuri rahmat..amin..

           Our turn? Time will tell..so bersediala..

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Arab Song!!~


   Maryam Fares - Ana Mosh Ananeya..

                   Hurm..as this month of ramadhan, how about if we listen to arabic song and make it more to ramadhan month panorama..hehe..i already promote this song to a few peoples, n yeahh, they influenced by me..ngeh3

               Ni ada video klip dia..leh la tgk..lagunya sedap.. orgnya pun sedap..opss..silap ..orangnya pun lawa n seksa..hehe..lagu ni jiwang ckit tapi bole la layan..ntah napa mood aku jadik jiwang semenjak dua menjak ni ..i juz miss someone..someone..someone..someone who dunno that i miss so much..hurmm, neway i wanna dedicate diz song to the person that i miss so much with the msg, "when u'll realize dat i miss u so damn much huh!??" ..damn.. 

             Anyway, lagu ni bole jugak di download di sini..layannnn..

( p.s/ lagu ni xda kena mengena ngan diriku..tapi liriknya mmg beshh..ble usha lirik dia di sini )

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


  I've Been Tagged!! I Just Cant Believe It..huhuu


                   Walauuuuwehh..its been a  while since my last update here huh!~ A WHILE ko cakap?? Its almost a year dowhhh ..adeihh..hurmm as i've been tagged by a suspicious blogger ..so as im being a "sporting" blogger too..well, i'll responses to those tagged ya mr sukipalat eh silap, mr sukiprattle..hak3

1.      Cipanus?? WTH is dat? food? toys? kuih muih? disease? OMG..let me explain..1stly, my very scientific name was written as Tapirus Indicus ( do u have ur own scientific name??)..but here in our bolehland, we called it as cipan or tenuk aite? so to make it interesting, i combine those tapir"us" with cipan?..so it became Cipanus clever huh?~ hehe ( i chose word cipan over tenuk coz tenukus seems like a weird name to me..kan kan kann???)

"an image that been suspected as cipanus"

2.       Eventhough i'm a tapir species, but i like cat very much ..but it doesnt mean that i dun like my own species..it just a matter of preferrence ..ok what.. cipanus + cat = cipcatus? haha..what a retarded combination name..

3.        Beware..i have a very serious hard strong curly hair ..if we can similar it to newton's second law formula which is F=-kx, the constant spring k for my hair is way too difficult to calculate..to make it worst, sometime my comb can stuck in own my tangled hair.. ---> so, please dun ever drop ur comb onto my hair or it will permanently be mine..but nevertheless, yet i still can look cool tho..huahuahua

4.        Hurmm..what else aa..i like to see aeroplane..specially commercial aeroplane..but to say im alert to aero technologies,  no i am not ..i just like to see aeroplane..dats all..and i wish i have a chance to travel with the world largest plane ever built someday..A380..super niceee~

5.        I like to learn languages..but certain languages make me wanna learn so bad..like mandarin, japanese n tagalog..hahaha..dunno why..maybe influenced by their drama that been broadcasted by our national tv long time ago..since now i even cant master these 3 languages ..neway, wo ai ni..aishiteru..mahal na mahal kita..common word for i love u in these 3 languages..ekekeke

6.         Hey, even im just a cipan, i can also play bowling maa...hehehe..not believe aa? hurmm see my latest score below..hehehe 

hehe..my name is in the first position..

hehe..look at my score..anyone wanna challenge me? heheh

7.         Yeah finally its going to the end..omg, its been a disaster hour making this post..adeihh..okeh last but not least im still single la..hahaha..promote baik punyaaaaaa..any cipan species out there interested? hahaha..

             Wokeh i'm done..since i dont have any blogger friend yet, er except sue..so im with honoured, tagged her..ahahaha..matila kau..

 The RULEz
  1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.

  2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

  3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

  4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog 
  5. (ahahaha..copy pes sukiprattle punya..sebijik sebijik sama )