Thursday, December 25, 2008

Je T'aime Till My Dying Day


     Je T'aime Till My Dying Day

I've been always love to hear music from enigma since their song "return to innocent"..somehow i heard their song on their new album called "Seven Lives Many Faces" last 2 days, and stuck with this song till now..

Btw i wanna dedicate this song to someone special..someone who used to be my friend and enemy at the same motivater and lover, being happy and fight each other..cheerful and sad together..n sometimes hate and like each time goes by, let the memory remains forever..

p/s : can download the song here

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

tagged by ila n sue

    1st..tagged by ila..huhuu

huhuuuu..lama gila aku baru jawab tag ni..sumimasen cik ila..okeh2 ni nama betul gue n nama nama purak gue dalam ertikata tag mu ini yachh!~  

Info untuk setiap abjad [A to Z]

•A: crazy
•B: loves people and sex
•C: selfish
•D: a very good girlfren or boyfriend anyone
       ever had
•E: has gorgeous eyes
•F: loves people wild and crazy adore you
•G: very outgoing
•H: stick to one
•I: is really sweet & romantic
•J: is very sexual
•K: hot
•L: is a very good kisser
•M: Makes dating fun
•N: is a very good kisser too!
•O: has one of the best personalities ever
•P: popular with all types of people
•Q: a hypocrite
•R: funny
•S: makes people laugh
•T: a smile to die for
•U: is loved by everyone
•V: not judgmental
•W: can be funny and dumb at times
•X: never let people tell you what to do
•Y: is loved by everyone
•Z: very broad minded

Nama Betul

• strick to one <-- this means loyal ka? hurmm

• is loved by everyone <-- kena tanya kengkawan lain..huhuu

• make people laugh <--pun x pasti

• is a very good kisser too! <--hurmm no komen..

• is really sweet & romantic <--barangkali..huhuu

Nama Purak2

• selfish <--eirkk

• is really sweet & romantic <--mungkin

• popular with all types of people <--popular la sangat

• crazy <--huhuu true indeed

• is a very good kisser too! <--huhuu kena try dulu kot..

• is loved by everyone <-- no komen

• makes people laugh <-- probably.. huhuu..

aku dah melaksanakan tanggungjawab ku wahai cik ila..hontou ni sumimasen sebab lambat giler jawab..huhuuu



 2nd..tagged by sue againnn!~~ la member yg rajin sekali mengtag aku kan sue? ko la kawan aku dunia akhirat..hehe..

1.Do you think you are HOT?

List me, man with obvious curly hair that is, its mean no im not hot..huhuu

2.Upload a fav pic of you

3. Why do you like this picture?

I like the edited verson of this pic where somehow i just cant put it here..hehe..besides this pic remind me of someone far..far enough to be, anyway this is me with cartoon looks thou..hoho

4. When was the last time you ate pizza?

Eirkk dunno..last year kali..makan kat rasamas ada la lam sebulan yang lalu kot...<--ahaha xde kene mengena

5. The last song you listen to?

Estrella - Stay  

6. What are you doing right now besides this?

ngah prepare mo p market beli  barang ..huhuu <--honest sungguhh

7. What name u prefer besides yours?

syukur ngan namaku yang seperti telah d tagged d atas..

8. People to tag, siapakah yang bertuah itu...

1. Jep

2. Cipanus

3. Suki 

4. Sue 

5. Ex - Roomate

9. Who is no.1

Apparently my ex-roomate..hurmm


10. No.3 is having relationship with?

With Akira Toriyama Sendoh..hehe

11. Say something about no.5

A fren, a really nice fren, a really nice n memorable rumet, loveable, likeable, baik, besh, bagus,  make me cant stop thinking of dia, and the list go on... <--telampau banyak..huhuu

12. How about no.4?

x school mate, a very gud listener, a friend of mine which shared a lot of things together. <--ayat sue baliks..huhuu

13. Who is no.2

Me, myself n I

* la namanya blog syok sendirikk..uhukkss